2020.10- :西安交通大学副教授。
Li, Z., & Dong, D. (2023). How you get it matters: Moderating role of transfer method in guiding ownership assignments for modified objects. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, 957079.
Li, Z., Dong, D., & Qiao, J. (2023). The Role of Social Value Orientation in Chinese Adolescents’ Moral Emotion Attribution. Behavioral Sciences, 13, 3.
李占星,倪晓莉,朱莉琪,李婧. (2022).意图信息在物权判断和道德判断中的作用.心理科学, 45 (1),105-110.
Li, Z.,Ni, X., Zhu, L., & Li, J. (2021). Chinese preschoolers’ ownership reasoning based on first possession heuristic. PLoS ONE, 16(12), e0260335.
李占星,朱莉琪. (2021).“它”是所有者吗?幼儿对所有权主体的理解.心理发展与教育, 37(4),465-471.
Li, Z., Zhu, L., Wan, Y., Li, J., & Yu, J. (2021). Effect of transfer type on labor’s role in ownership judgments. Psych Journal, 9(4), 553-561.
李占星,倪晓莉,牛更枫,朱莉琪. (2020).儿童基于心理本质论的种族认知及其影响因素.心理发展与教育, 36(5),633-640.
巫江丽,李占星#,倪晓莉,伊心阳. (2020).大学生的共情、道德认同和利他倾向的关联.中国心理卫生杂志, 34(3),219-223.
Li, Z., Yu, J., Yang, X., & Zhu, L. (2019). Associations between empathy and altruistic sharing behavior in Chinese adults. Journal of General Psychology, 146(1), 1-16.
Niu, G. F., Chai, H. Y., Li, Z. X., Li, W., Sun, X. J., & Zhou, Z. K. (2019). Online Parent-Child Communication and Left-Behind Children’s Subjective Well-Being: the Effects of Parent-Child Relationship and Gratitude. Child Indicators Research, 13(6), 967-980.
李占星,喻丰,倪晓莉,朱莉琪. (2019).转移方式对基于劳动的物品所有权判断的影响.心理科学,42(2), 307-312.
牛更枫,李占星,王辰宵,马晓彤,孙晓军,周宗奎. (2019).网络亲子沟通对留守初中生社会适应的影响:一个有调节的中介模型.心理发展与教育,35(6), 678-685.
巫江丽,李占星,周国岭,倪喆. (2019).听觉统合训练对孤独症谱系障碍儿童治疗效果的持续时间研究.中国儿童保健杂志,27(5), 565-567.
Li, Z., Qi, M., Yu, J., & Zhu, L. (2018).Who is the rightful owner? Young children’s ownership judgments in different transfer contexts. Frontiers in Psychology, 9, 1314.
李占星,牛更枫,喻丰,朱莉琪. (2018).幼儿对所有权权利的理解.心理科学进展, 26(12), 2153-2160.
程南华,李占星,朱莉琪. (2018).儿童的社会权利认知及其与社会行为的关系.心理科学进展,26(2), 283-293.
李占星,朱莉琪.(2017).人类记忆的所有权效应及其认知神经机制.生物化学与生物物理进展,44(5), 385-397.
李占星,朱莉琪. (2016).儿童基于不同线索的所有权判断及其文化差异.心理科学进展, 24(12), 1889–1896.(同时被中国人民大学报刊复印资料《幼儿教育导读》转载)
李占星,朱莉琪. (2015).自闭症个体道德推理的心理机制及其脑机制.生物化学与生物物理进展, 42(12), 1103-1111.
李占星,朱莉琪. (2015).道德情绪判断与归因:发展与影响因素.心理科学进展, 23(6), 990-999.
李占星,牛玉柏,朱莉琪. (2015).不同目击者对儿童道德情绪判断与归因的影响.心理科学, 38(4), 876-883.
李占星,朱莉琪. (2015).不同情境中情绪预期对道德决策的影响.心理科学, 38(6), 1377-1383.
齐敏丽,李占星,朱莉琪. (2015).儿童经济现象认知的研究进展.心理科学, 38(5), 1123-1129.
李占星,曹贤才,庞维国,牛玉柏. (2014). 6~10岁儿童对损人情境下行为者的道德情绪判断与归因.心理发展与教育, 30(3), 252-258.
李占星,曹贤才,牛玉柏. (2014).心理理论、道德情绪与儿童公平行为的关系.中国临床心理学杂志, 22(2), 324-328.
李占星,牛玉柏,胡瑛. (2014).混龄教育对幼儿助人行为的促进作用——来自纵向研究的证据.应用心理学, 20(1), 32-39.(同时被中国人民大学报刊复印资料《心理学》和中国社会科学网转载)
陕西省儿童心理学会理事、西安医学会医学心理学分会委员,中国心理学会会员、国际行为发展学会(ISSBD)会员、美国儿童发展研究学会(SRCD)会员;《Child Development》《InternationalJournal of Psychology》《Journal of General Psychology》《心理学报》《心理科学进展》等杂志审稿人。
Abbreviated C.V.
(Updated May 2022)
Institute of Social Psychology,Xi’an Jiaotong University, 28 West Xian Ning Road, Xi’an, Shaanxi Province, China; zip code: 710049.
Tel: (86-29) 8266-8749;
2017 Ph.D. in Science, Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China.
2013 M.A. in Education (Psychology), Zhejiang Sci-Tech University, China.
2009 B.A. in Science, Taishan University, China.
2017-2020, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Postdoctor and Assistant Professor.
2020- , Xi’an Jiaotong University, Associate Professor, Master Supervisor.
Cognitive development, Ownership psychology, Moral development, Prosocial behavior
2022- Central University basic scientific research project, “Research on the development and intervention ways of Chinese national community consciousness of teenagers of all ethnic groups in Northwest China” (Project #:SK2022035), RMB 50000.
2019-2022,Central University basic scientific research project, “Moral emotion judgment of autistic children and its relationship with sharing and aggressive behavior” (Project #:SK2019018), RMB 50000.
2018-2021, General projects of China Postdoctoral fund, “Give it to me or him: the role of children's ownership judgment and motivation based on first possession heuristic” (Project #:2018M633484), RMB 50000.
2018-2019, Academic exchange program of China Postdoctoral international exchange program (Project #: 7990000009), RMB 30000.
2019-2021, Xi'an Social Science Planning Project “Research on the development of teenagers' values, adaptive consequences and the promotion of moral emotion” (Project #: JY136), RMB 5000.
2023 “How you get it matters: Moderating role of transfer method in guiding ownership assignments for modified objects”.Frontiers in Psychology, 13, 957079.
2023 “The Role of Social Value Orientation in Chinese Adolescents’ Moral Emotion Attribution”.Behavioral Sciences, 13, 3.
2022 “The Role of Intention in Property Right Judgments and Moral Judgments”,Chinese Journal of Psychological Science,45 (1): 105-110.
2021 “Chinese preschoolers’ ownership reasoning based on first possession heuristic”,PLoS ONE,16(12): e0260335.
2021 “Can it be owner? Young children’s understanding of ownership agents”,Psychological development and education, 37(4): 465-471.
2020 “Effect of transfer type on labor’s role in ownership judgments”,Psych Journal,9(4): 553-561.
2020 “Children’s racial/ethnic essentialism and its contributing factors”,Psychological development and education, 36(5): 633-640.
2020 “Association among empathy, moral identity and altruistic tendency in college students”, Chinese mental health journal, 34(3): 219-223.
2019 “Associations between empathy and altruistic sharing behavior in Chinese adults”, Journal of General Psychology, 146(1): 1-16.
2019 “The Effect of Transfer Types on Labor’s Role in Ownership Judgments”,Chinese Journal of Psychological Science,42(2): 307-312.
2018 “Who is the rightful owner? Young children’s ownership judgments in different transfer contexts”, Frontiers in Psychology, 9: 1314.
2018 “Preschoolers’ understanding of ownership rights”,Advances in Psychological Science, 26(12): 2153-2160.
2017 “The Ownership Effect in Human’s Memory and Its Cognitive and Neural Mechanisms”,Progress in Biochemistry and Biophysics, 44(5): 385-397.
2016 “Children's judgment of ownership based on different cues and its cultural difference”,
Advances in Psychological Science, 24(12): 1889-1896.
2015 “Psychological and Brain Mechanisms of Moral Reasoning for Individuals With Autism”,
Progress in Biochemistry and Biophysics, 42(12), 1103-1111.
2015 “Moral Emotion Judgment and Attribution:Development and Contributing Factors”, Advances in Psychological Science, 23(6): 990-999.
2015 “Effects of different witnesses on children’ s moral emotion judgment and attribution”,Chinese Journal of Psychological Science,38(4): 876-883.
2015 “The impact of emotion expectancy on adolescents’ moral decision-making in different contexts”,Chinese Journal of Psychological Science,38(6): 1377-1383.
2014 “6- to 10-year-old children’s moral emotion judgment and attribution to the actors in victimizing context”,Psychological development and education, 30(3): 233-239.
2014 “A Study on Relationships among Children’s Theory of Mind, Moral Emotion and Fair Behavior”,Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology, 22(2): 324-328.
2014 “Mixed-age education can accelerate children’s helping behavior—an evidence from one longitudinal research”,Chinese Journal of Applied Psychology, 20(1): 32-39.