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2019-09-20  点击:[]





Pei Chunfang

Ph.D ofDepartment of Chinese linguistics and literatureofTsinghua University,Post Doctor,Assistant ProfessorofDepartment of Chinese linguistics and literature of Peking University,.

2019 March-Present,Research Professorship, Associate Professor,MasterSupervisor and Doctor Supervisor ofDepartment ofChinese linguistics and literature,School of humanities and social sciences,Xi’an Jiaotong University, Youth Talent of Xi’an Jiaotong University.

Main Research field: ModernChinese Literature, Research Direction covers Shen Congwen’s Fictions,Chinese Modern Essay, Literature of Resistance war, Lu Xu’ Writings of proofreading Chinese ancient books, etc.

Manage the postdoctoral project of the China Postdoctoral Science fund, mainly participate Major Project of the National Social Science Fund.

Main achievements:

A monograph Published bySocial Science Academic Press on April, two poetry anthologies published byBeijing Times Chinese Press and Beijing Union Press, and 29 papers on ,Literature Criticism,Tsinghua Science and TechnologySocial Science, Modern Chinese literature Studies,October,Shanghai Literature,etc. Two papers reprinted byreproduced byXinhua News Digest, three papers reproduced byChinese Modern and Contemporary Literature Studiesedited by the information center of the people’s congress and newspaper.


· Book:

· The Birth of Classic: Narrative Disourse, Text Discovering, and Fieldstudy,Beijing:Social Science Academic Press on April, 2014.

· Glass Diamond, Beijing:Beijing Times Chinese Press,May 2014.

· Obessed with Seeingthe Flowers and Leaves,Beijing Union Press, May 2016.

· Articles in Refereed Journals

· “Gleaning of Shen Congwen’s Fiction”, Published on the literature magazine ofOctober,Journal 2, March 2009,as top line,“Record of Extracting Star(Green Dream)”reproduced byXinhua News Digest, Journal 20, October 2009 ,Beijing.

· “ Shadow of Rainbow and Sight of Star Maybe prove: the Exploration of Desire intension of Shen Congwen’s fictions in 1940s ”,Published on the literature magazine ofOctober,Journal 2, March 2009,as top line, reproduced byXinhua News Digest,Journal 20, October 2009 ,Beijing.

· “Self indulgence in the elegance and life: the collative and reading motes of the early works of Wang Zengqi”,Shanghai Literature, P.70-81, Aug. 2014,Reproduced byChineseModernand ContemporaryLiteratureStudiesedited by the information center of the people’s congress and newspaper, J.1,2015.

· “Rise of Concept of the Belles Lettres and Art Literature”,Tsinghua Science and TechnologySocial Science,Vol. 30 J. 4, P119-130, April 2015.

· “‘Vigorous and Pristine’or‘Elegant and Deep’: the Split Flow of the Resistance War Area Essay’’,Literature Criticism,J. 5 , P 35-43, Sept. 2015.

· “‘Hermit School’ or ‘Agitator’: on Differentiation of the Early Essay”,Modern Chinese Literature studies,J.1, P146-165, Jun 2015.

· “Analects semimonthly and the Flu, Style and Meaning of Essay”,ModernChinese Literature studies, J. 11, P. 46-59. Nov 2017.


· November 16,2015“How to birth the Classics: by Shen Congwen’s Novels and Essays in 1940s as an Example”,Time Reconfiguration and Class Re-creation: International Conference of the Doctoral Candidate and YoungScholar, Peking University, Beijing.

· September 30,2016, “ Lu Xun’s Formation and Construction as Resource of Thought and Culture: by Lu Xu’s Related Works around his Death”, Translingual Dialogue:International Forum of Literature and Art Criticism, Beijing.

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