Jiannan Wu, Huan Liu, Bo Yan. Rational Choice and Goal Displacement in Strategy Implementation: A Multi-cases Study of Provincial Governments in China. Conference of the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management Albuquerque, NM, American, November 6-8, 2014.
Jiannan Wu, Huan Liu, Bo Yan. Does Strategy of Building Innovative Province really Matter? An Exploratory Study from Mainland China. International Conference of Innovation, Institution, and Governance, Shanghai, China, June 25-26, 2015.
Huan Liu. Government Intervention and Technovation Performance: An Empirical Study of State-owned Enterprises Based on Chinese Provincial Data, Advances in Asian Social Science (ISSN 2167-6429), 2016, Vol.7, No. 1.
刘焕,吴建南,孟凡蓉. 相对绩效、创新驱动与政府绩效目标偏差:来自中国省级动态面板数据的证据,公共管理学报,2016年第3期.(CSSCI,国家自然科学基金委认定的A类期刊)
刘焕, 吴建南, 徐萌萌. 不同理论视角下的目标偏差及影响因素研究综述[J],公共行政评论, 2016年第1期.(CSSCI)
吴建南, 刘焕, 贺莉. 公务员职位职责规范与组织绩效相关度研究[J].软科学, 2014年第10期.(CSSCI)
吴建南, 刘焕, 张攀. 机关效能建设的实践——基于漳州12年工作总结的文本分析[J].西安交通大学学报(社会科学版), 2014年第2期. (CSSCI)
刘焕, 胡春萍, 张攀. 省级政府实施创新驱动发展战略的监测评估——一个分析框架[J].科技进步与对策, 2015年第8期. (CSSCI)
吴建南, 刘焕, 阎波. 创新型省份建设的多案例分析[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2015年第9期.(CSSCI)
刘焕, 吴建南. 创新驱动的先前实践对建设目标的影响——来自中国省级面板数据的证据[J].科技进步与对策, 2016年第12期.(CSSCI)
张攀,吴建南,刘焕.中美政府创新奖项的比较研究[J].中国软科学,2016年第11期. (CSSCI)
张攀, 吴建南, 刘焕. 政府创新可以跨越国界吗?——面向中美政府创新奖获奖项目的比较研究. 第七届珞珈国是论坛论文集. 2013.
张攀, 吴建南, 刘焕. 以政府现代化推进治理现代化. 中共中央党校研究生院“2014·全国社会科学研究生学术论坛”.
She holds PhD degrees from Xi’an Jiaotong University in 2016. Her research filed is in Public Opinion Online, Performance of New Media in Government Affairs, and Public Governance. Her academic papers have appeared in Journal of Intelligence, Journal of Public Management, and Journal of Public Administration Review among others. In the past five years, she have presided over and participated in more than ten national and provincial projects, including youth projects of national social science foundation, projects of the national natural science foundation, major philosophical and social science projects of the ministry of education etc.