杨眉,西安交通大学艺术系教授,同济大学风景园林学工学博士,美国伊利诺伊理工学院访问学者,国家注册城市规划师。研究方向为乡村文化景观保护与生态规划设计。已主持或参与科研项目10余项,出版专著2部,发表学术论文50余篇,主持或参与规划设计项目30余项,获得国家级省级各类设计及教学奖项9项,担任SSCI期刊Landscape Research及Environment and Planning B审稿人。
Email:yangmei@xjtu.edu.cn, haomayer@sohu.com
Mei Yang,Professor at Xi’an Jiaotong University, Phd from Tongji University, Visiting Scholar in Landscape Architecture at Illinois Institute of Technology in US, China National Registered Urban Planner, reviewer of SSCI Landscape Research & Environment and Planning B. Her research focuses on the current problems in the protection and development of rural cultural landscapes, and discusses the understanding of rural landscape heritage values and development strategies in China. Dr. Yang has long been committed to cutting-edge teaching research in the field of ecological landscape design, paying attention to curriculum innovation and teaching reform, opening school-enterprise cooperation courses, guiding students to participate in design competitions, and realizing outstanding achievements in education. Meanwhile, Dr. Yang has been practicing as a national registered urban planner for 20 years. She has conducted a number of green space ecological restoration and landscape design practice projects in China. Most of the projects have been completed and received with enthusiasm by the local communities.