联系方式:zhyong_xjtu@163.com 办公电话:029-82665786
Zhang, Yong: Ph.D. of Chinese Language and Literature at Tsinghua University, Associate Professor at School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Visiting Scholar at Department of Comparative Literature, Harvard University, Teacher of Confucius Institute, University of Liverpool. Research fields cover Modern and Contemporary Chinese Literature, Modern Intellectual History and Cultural Studies. Finished some research projects including one supported by National Social Science Foundation. Published a book namedModern-ism: Studies on the culture and literature in Shanghai, 1927-1937(Traditional Chinese Edition, Renjian Publishing House, Taipei, 2010; Simplified Chinese Edition, China Social Sciences Publishing House, Beijing, 2015) and some papers onChinese journals such as Literary Criticism, Modern Chinese Literature Researches Series,Literary Theory and Criticism, Modern Chinese Literature. Four papers were reprinted inResearch on Modern and Contemporary Chinese Literature, and one paper was reprinted onDigest of Social Sciences.
Contact information: Email zhyong_xjtu@163.com; Telephone (Office) 029-82665786