Frontiers of Technology and Art
1.徐钰彬. 传统聚落的场景:空间与行为的互动关系研究——以关中地区L村公共空间为例[J]. 建筑学报, 2022(S1):225-230. (建筑科学领域高质量期刊T1级,CSSCI)
2.徐钰彬. 主位视角下村民参与传统聚落再生的路径——以柳枝村关帝庙为例[J]. 建筑遗产, 2022(02):147-154. (建筑科学领域高质量期刊T3级, CSSCI)
3.徐钰彬,李斌. 研究团队与村民协作下的乡村更新过程研究——以传统村落L村为例[J]. 现代城市研究, 2023(02): 127-132. (建筑科学领域高质量期刊T3级)
4. 李斌,张雪,徐钰彬,李华.社区养老设施综合性设计策略——基于老年人使用需求的国内外三案例考察[J].新建筑,2018(02):14-19. (建筑科学领域高质量期刊T3级)
5.Xu Yubin. Villagers' Spatial Cognition and Place Selection of Vernacular Settlements: A case study of traditional villages in Guanzhong[C]. CEB-ASC International Symposium(第15届环境行为国际会议), 2022: 267-268.
6.Xu Yubin, Li Bin, Li Hua, Regeneration strategies for an ancient temple of northwest China based on rural community participation[C], IAPS 2021 International Symposium, 2023: 158-168.
7.Xu Yubin, Li Bin, Li Hua. Formulation of Guandi Temple Renewal Strategies based on Villager Participation in Traditional Village L[C]. //A New Idea for Starting Point of the Silk Road: Urban and Rural Design for Human: 14th International Conference on Environment-Behavior Studies (第14届环境行为国际会议), 2020, Xi’an, China. Wuhan: Huazhong University of Science & Technology Press, 2020:1887-1893.
8.Xu Yubin, Li Bin, Li Hua. Outdoor Environmental-behavior of the Elderly in Integrated Elderly Care Facilities in Community F of Barcelona[C]. //The 12th International Symposium on Environment‐Behavior Research (第12届环境行为国际会议). Chongqing: Chongqing University Press, 2016:787-791.
基于景观基因图谱的秦岭地区乡村聚落文化遗产与景观保护策略研究, 在研,参与
电子邮箱: xu_yubin@xjtu.edu.cn, xu_yubin@qq.com
联系地址:西安交通大学人文学院艺术系 邮编:710049
Dr. Yubin Xu is an Assistant Professor from XJTU. Dr. Xu obtained his M. Arch and Ph.D. from Tongji University, Shanghai. During his Ph.D., he also conducted a joint Ph.D. program at the College of Design and Engineering, National University of Singapore. Dr. Xu’s research focuses on the regeneration of the historic built environment and the revitalization of cultural heritage by integrating environment-behavior studies and regional vernacular architecture. Dr. Xu has published more than 10 peer-reviewed journals and international conference articles in this field, including the high-quality journals of building science, Architectural Journal, New Architecture, Heritage Architecture, etc. He has also received the outstanding research paper award from the World Urban Planning Education Organization, the Journal of Urban Planning, and a research grant from the China Scholarship Council. He also participated in the completion of the Key Project of National Natural Science Foundation of China (51738008). As a member of the Environmental Behavior Committee of the Architectural Society of China, he provides consulting and design support for cultural heritage conservation and regeneration, rural revitalization, and urban renewal, applying research insights to practical decision-making.
Tel: 029-82665765
Email: xu_yubin@xjtu.edu.cn
Address: Department of Arts, Xi'an Jiao Tong University, Zip code: 710049