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Cao Cong
2022-05-31  点击:[]

Dr. Cao Cong(曹聪)



       XIAN JIAOTONG University                                                                                    

Associate Professer on Philosophy, Department of Philosophy                      2021-

University College London

Visiting lecture, Department of Greek and Latin                                             2018-2019

Yang Zhou University                                                                                  

LectureDepartment of Philosophy                                                               2013-2021


Sun Yat-Sen University

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)                                                                           2013

Philosophy, Department of Philosophy

Dissertation: Plato’ Parmenides and Classical Dialectic

Northwest University

Bachelor Degree (B.S.)                                                                                      2006

Chinese language & literature, The Department of Chinese Language



Enlightening for Justice: The Philosophical Education of the Youth, by Cao Cong, Shanghai:  East China Normal University Press,2021

Peer-reviewed publications

“The Surface and the Core of Nietzsche’ Thought”in Humanities & Social Science Journal of Hainan University, 2017.No.5, p20-26.

“Leo Strauss’s Last Philosophical Education: A Reading of Leo Strauss’s 1971-72 Nietzsche Course”.in The Chinese Journal of Classical Studies, summer 2016/No. 26, p46-67.

“The Philosophy Descending to the Citythe Opening of Plato’ Parmenides”.in Journal of Lanzhou University (social sciences), vol.40.2, p33-37.

“The Unfinished Conversion of A Philosophical Soul: Preliminary Considerations on Plato’s Parmenides”, in The Chinese Journal of Classical Studies, summer 2012/No.8,p69-82.

“Young Socrates in Aporia”, in The Chinese Journal of Classical Studies, autumn 2012/No.9p47-61.

Book chapter

“Recollection and Imagination Leading to Being”, in Revelation and Reason(vol.7), ed. By Jia Dongyang, Shanghai: SDX Joint Publishing Company, 2016, p151-160.

“A Nietzschean Critique of Philosophy”, in Restart from the classical, ed. By Zhang Wentao &Cheng Zhimin, Shanghai:  East China Normal University Press, 2015, p465-479.

Book reviews

“What Is the Fragility of Goodness? ” Review of Martha Nussbaum, The Fragility of Goodness: Luck and Ethics in Greek Tragedy and Philosophy, Cambridge University Press, 2001. In China Book Review,2008. No.12, p 75-78.


English to Chinese:

Leo Strauss, Nietzsche’s Beyond Good and Evil: A course offered in 1971-1972, Edited with an introduction by Mark Blitz. Translated by Cao Cong, Shanghai: East China Normal University Press, 2017.

Mitchell H. Miller, Plato's Parmenides: the conversion of the soul, Pennsylvania State University Press, 1991. Translated by Cao Cong, Shanghai: East China Normal University Press, 2015.

Michael Davis, The Autobiography of Philosophy: Rousseau's the Reveries of the Solitary Walker, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 1999. Translated by Cao Cong& Liu Zhen, Beijing: Huaxia Publishing House, 2011.

Arlene W. Saxonhouse, Fear of Diversity: The Birth of Political Science in Ancient Greek Thought, University of Chicago Press, 1992. Translated by Cao Cong, Beijing: Huaxia Publishing House,2010.

Michael Davis, Ancient Tragedy and the Origins of Modern Science, Southern Illinois University Press, 1988. Translated by Guo Zhenhua& Cao Cong, Shanghai: East China Normal University Press, 2008.

Greek to Chinese:

Plato’s Parmenides, coming soon.


“Limitations to Corporeity and Life in Chuang Tzu,Chinese Comparative Classical Studies Association annual meeting, December, 2013.


(“A Natural Transgression of Nature”), National Conference on Classical Natural Law, Chongqing University, June, 2015.

(“The Tyranny of Nature and Morality”), Youth Forum of Chinese Classics, Zhejiang University, Septenmber, 2016.


Chinese (native)

English (fluent)

German (reading knowledge)

Ancient Greek (reading knowledge)

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