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Li Hong
2019-05-21  点击:[]


Li Hong graduated from the Chinese Department of Hangzhou University (now Zhejiang University) in July 1983 and has been engaged in teaching and researching Chinese language and literature. I have published more than 10 monograph and textbooks, such as "Chinese Art History", "Chinese Traditional Culture", "Chinese Traditional Culture and Harmonious Society", "Chinese Cultural Spirit and Modern Society", and "Foreign Literature". I have published more than 20 articles, such as the Oriental Image in Zweig's Novels and Biography, Cultural Choice and Character Destiny and so on.I specialized in foreign literature, comparative literature and Chinese traditional culture.

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版权所有:西安交通大学人文社会科学学院   设计与制作:西安交通大学网络信息中心
地址:陕西省西安市碑林区咸宁西路28号   邮编:710049