Xiaohong Wang
(Updated May 2022)
Contact Information:86-29-82668281(office hour)
2004 Peking University, Ph.D. in Philosophy
Thesis: A Study of the Methodological Debates Arising out of BACON Machine Discovery System. Advisor: Prof./Dr. Ren Ding-Cheng, Center for Social Studies of Science, Peking University. Advisory Committee: Prof. Zhang Jia-Long (Chinese Academy of Social Science, Logic), Prof./Dr. Ma Shao-Ping (Tsinghua University, Artificial Intelligence), Prof. /Dr. Liu Xiao-Li (Beijing Normal University, Philosophy of Science), Prof. Fu Shi-Xia (Peking University, Cognitive Psychology), Prof. Sun Xiao-Li (Peking University, Dialectics of Nature).
1995 East China Normal University, Master Degree in Philosophy
Thesis: The Influence of Cultural Factors on Chemical Engineering Technology. Advisor: Prof. Sheng Gen-Yu (Philosophy of Chemistry), Institute of Dialectics of Nature & History of Natural Science, East China Normal University. Examination Committee: Prof. Zhu Xin-Xuan (Philosophy of geography), Asso. Prof. Wang Shun-Yi (Philosophy of Mathematics), Prof. Luo Zu-De (STS), Prof. Fan Jie (Chemistry).
1990 Shaanxi Normal University, Bachelor Degree in Chemistry
Two Month’s Undergraduate Research Apprentice in Prof./Dr. Fang Yu’s Biochemistry Lab, SNU
Xi’an Jiaotong University, Department Philosophy
2021- Professor of Philosophy
2005-2020 Associate Professor
Assistant (1995-1997) and Lecturer (1998-2004),
2015- Co-Director of Computational Philosophy Lab
2004-2017 Vice-Director of Philosophy Department
China Ministry of Hydroelectricity, the Third Bureau of Engineering Project
1990-1992, High School Teacher in Chemistry
Honors and Awards (selected)
Fulbright Visiting Research Scholar Award to go to HPS department in Indiana University (2006-2007), Grant Number: 68430036.
2020 Best paper award (second prize), “Assisting Philosophical Arguments: Taking the Computation and Analysis of the Analects of Confucius, Mencius and Xunzi as Examples” (Gao Yuanhao, Wang Xiaohong, Colin Allen, Yang Zhao), Digital Humanities Research, 2021(2): 36-50. 论文“主题建模辅助哲学研究的方法论研究——以《论语》《孟子》《荀子》计算分析为例”,高元昊、王小红、Colin Allen, 杨钊,第二届全国数字人文年会(DH2020)优秀论文二等奖。
2020 Best paper award (third prize), “Machine Modeling of Traditional Philosophical Problems: Exploring Deep Integration of AI, big data and philosophy”(Wang Xiaohong, Colin Allen, Gao Yuanhao, etc.),Jianghuai Tribune, 2020(4): 82-90. 王小红、Colin Allen、高元昊等,第二届全国数字人文年会(DH2020)优秀论文三等奖。
2019 Best translation book award (second prize),Moral Machines: Teaching Robots Right from Wrong (Wendell Wallach and Colin Allen, 2009), PKU press, 2017. National Selection for “Thirteen Five-Years Important Books Publication Plan”. Best Books Recommendation No. 32 in National Humanities &Social Sciences Union Book List. 译著《道德机器》,王小红主译,北京大学出版社,2017。陕西高校人文社会科学研究优秀成果奖二等奖。列入“十三五”国家重点图书出版规划。入选好书单“全国人文社科联合书单”32期。
2015 Best paper award (first prize), “The Origination of HPS and the Contributions to Methodology of Scientific Discovery”,Studies in Dialectics of Nature, 2014(3): 17-22. 论文“HPS在美国的创立及其对科学发现方法论的贡献”,《自然辩证法研究》封面文章(recommendation on cover). 陕西省哲学学会优秀成果一等奖。
2011 Best book award (second prize), A Philosophical Study of the Cognitive Structure of Scientific Discovery , XJTU Press, 2010. 著作《科学发现认知结构的哲学研究》,西安交通大学出版社. 陕西省教育厅陕西高校人文社会科学研究优秀成果奖二等奖。
2011 Best paper award (first prize),”Do the Computational Discovery Systems Demonstrate an Empirical Refutation of the Strong Programme? An Analysis of the Debate Arising out of the Computer Simulation of Scientific Discovery”, Philosophical Analysis, 2010(4): 142-145, 196. 论文“人工智能机器发现系统是对强纲领的经验拒斥吗?”,《哲学分析》2010(4)封面文章(recommendation on cover)。陕西省哲学学会优秀成果一等奖。
2010 Best paper award (first prize), “Was BACON’s Simulation of Scientific Discovery a Re-‘Discovery’?”, Science, Technology & Dialectics, 2008(1): 28-33. 论文“西蒙的科学发现模拟工作是重新‘发现’吗?”,《科学技术与辩证法》2008(1),陕西省哲学学会优秀成果一等奖。
Best paper award (Outstanding Winner), “On the Comprehensive Reform of the Teaching for An Introduction to Dialectics of Nature”(Wang Xiaohong, Zhao Wenlong, Huo Youguang), Studies in Dialectics of Nature, 1999(9): 63-64. 2000年12月教学研究论文“自然辩证法课程教学体系的改革与研究生的创新教育”(王小红、赵文龙、霍有光)。中国研究生德育工作优秀论文评选特等奖(中国学位与研究生教育学会德育工作委员会)。
Research Support
My research field is about philosophy of cognitive science, AI machine discovery, analysis of meaning (Handian LDA-TM), AI & big data ethics, science & humanities (HPS).
The research above has received many supports including PI of sub-project of major national social science foundation, two projects of Ministry of Education, two projects of Ministry of Science &Technology, three at least provincial social science foundations.
Professional Affiliations and Positions
2021- Member of Editorial Board of Digital Society(Springer)
2019- Member of the Big Data & AI Working Group of World Federation of Engineering Organizations (WFEO)
March, 2014, as a member of the Scientific Advisory Board,"Oxford Internet Institute Studies–Understanding life online”, Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford
2011- Executive Committee of China Scientific Methodology Commission
2021- Member of CAAI
2020- Reviewers of CSSCI journals
2014- Reviewers of MOE Administration Centre for Master and PhD Degree
1. Philosophy of Science. Undergraduate Students Majoring Philosophy.
2. Philosophical Foundation of Cognitive Science. Undergraduate Students Majoring Philosophy. (Cooperation with Chair Professor Colin Allen)
3. Cultural Perspectives of Science &Technology in Ancient China. Foreign Graduate Students for Chinese Culture Master Program.
4. History of Science. Undergraduate Students Majoring Philosophy.
5. Sociology of Science. Undergraduate Students Majoring Sociology.
6. Introduction of Dialectics of Nature. Graduate Students Majoring Sciences/Engineering.
Wang Xiaohong, Chinese translator, Moral Machine: Teaching Robots Right from Wrong, Wendell Wallach & Colin Allen (2009 by Oxford University Press), Simplified Chinese Edition 2017 by Peking University Press.
Wang Xiaohong, 2010, A Philosophical Study of the Cognitive Structure of Scientific Discovery, funded by Xi’an Jiaotong University Foundation for Excellent Academic Publication, Xi’an: Xi’an Jiaotong University Press.
Wu Kun, Wang Xiaohong & Chen Jiulong, (ed.), 2009,A New Textbook for Dialectics of Nature, Xi’an: Xi’an Jiaotong University Press.
Huang Linchu, Wang Xiaohong, (ed.), 1997, Questions and Answers About the Fundamentals of Contemporary Science & Technology, Xi’an: Shaanxi People’s Education Press.
Academic Papers (selected):
1. Gao Yuanhao, Wang Xiaohong, Colin Allen, Yang Zhao. “Assisting Philosophical Arguments: taking the Computation and Analysis of the Analects of Confucius, Mencius and Xunzi as Examples”, Digital Humanities Research, 2021(2): 36-50.
2. Wang Xiaohong, Pu Jianghuai and Colin Allen. “Exploring the interpretability of topic model”, China Social Sciences Today 20201103.
3. Wang Xiaohong, Colin Allen, Gao Yuanhao, Yang Bingjie. Machine Modeling of Traditional Philosophical Problems: Exploring deep integration of AI, big data and philosophy, Jianghuai Tribune 2020(4): 82-90.
4. Zhao Kun, Yang Xiaoxian, Xi Wei, Jiang Zhiping, Wang Xiaohong, Wang Zhi, Ji Xinyuan, Yang Zhao, Zhao Jizhong, Transaction on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies, Vol. 32, Issue 6/e3807, First published: 29 November 2019, https://doi.org/10.1002/ett.3807 (in English)
5. Wang Xiaohong, Colin Allen, Pu Jianghuai, Li Yingna. To Discover Humanities Knowledge by Computer: An Empirical Analysis of Topic Modeling the 'Handian' Ancient Chinese Classics, Journal of Dialectics of Nature, 2018(4): 50-58.
6. Wang Xiaohong, Sun Wenqi. Chinese translation of the paper “The Geometry of Partial Understanding” by Colin Allen, Journal of Xi’an Jiaotong University (Social Sciences), 2018(1): 82-91.
7. Zhao Yang, Wei Xi, Kun Zhao, Xiaohong Wang, and Colin Allen, Jizhong Zhao, “Topic Model Based Management Frame Authentication Using CSI”, ICCCS 2018(4th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Security): 154-166. (in English)
8. Wang Xiaohong. “Topic Modeling Provides A New Chance to Integrate Science and Humanities”, China Social Sciences Today 20181206.
9. Colin Allen & Xiaohong Wang’s computational philosophy team. (2017) “Topic Modeling the Hàn diăn Ancient Classics (汉典古籍)”. Journal of Cultural Analytics. doi:10.22148/16.016; Supplemental Materials, doi:10.7910/DVN/3QXX29, Harvard Dataverse, V1. (in English)
10. Wang Xiaohong, Pu Jianghuai, Wang Xiaoliang, Wang Jian. “Increase or Decrease of Entropy: A Discussion of Floridi’s Macro Information Ethics”, Studies in Dialectics of Nature, 2016(10): 104-109.
11. Wang Xiaohong, Wang Jian, Zhao Kun, Wang Chaolin. “Increase or Decrease of Entropy: to Construct A More Universal Macroethics——A Discussion of Luciano Floridi’s The Ethics of Information”, APA Newsletter on Philosophy and Computers, 2015 (2), Sping: 32-36. http://c.ymcdn.com/sites/www.apaonline.org/resource/collection/EADE8D52-8D02-4136-9A2A-729368501E43/ComputersV14n2.pdf (in English)
12. Wang Xiaohong. “Chinese Philosophy Helps to Solve Snow’s Problem”, Social Sciences Weekly 20150514.
13. Wang Xiaohong et al. “The Origination of HPS and the Contributions to Methodology of Scientific Discovery”, Studies in Dialectics of Nature, 2014(3): 17-22.
14. Wang Xiaohong et al. “An Analysis from Sociology of Science on the Systems of Scientific Research in China”, 2013 Report for the Social Management and Development in China, pp.: 118-128, Beijing: Science Press.
15. Wang Xiaohong (2012). “Do the Computational Discovery Systems Demonstrate an Empirical Refutation of the Strong Programme?”, Zhidong Huang (et al.)(eds.) Science, Technology & Society: a perspective of social constructivism, sociology of science and sociology of knowledge, chap. 7: 193-231, Taiwan: Socio Publishing Co. Ltd.
16. Wang Xiaohong (2011) “A Philosophical Exploration of the Cognitive Construction of Scientific Discovery”, Shushan Cai (et al.)(eds.) Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science: Proceeding of the thirteenth International Congress, pp.: 297-302, London: King’s College Publications. (in English)
17. Wang Xiaohong. “The Transforming Paradigm of S&TS in Public Sight: An Analysis of Bijker’s Metaphor and His Research Cases”, Journal of Xi’an Jiaotong University (Social Sciences), 2010(4): 9-13.
18. Wang Xiaohong (2010) trans. Luciano Floridi (2003) Blackwell Guide to the Philosophy of Computing and Information, Blackwell Publishing. Chap. 26: 702-725, Chief Translator: Liu Gang. Beijing: The Commercial Press of China.
19. Wang Xiaohong (2009) “Humanization of Science and Rationalization of Human”, Qiu Jin (et al.)(eds.), Xu’er Forum Series (1), pp.: 169-191, Xi’an: Xi’an Jiaotong University Press.
20. Wang Xiaohong. “Are Simon’s Scientific Discovery Simulations “Rediscovery?”, Science, Technology and Dialectics, 2008(1): 28-33.
21. Wang Xiaohong. “A New Approach to Study Scientific Discovery: Comments on BACON”, Journal of Dialectics of Nature, 2004(1): 99-103 and 98.
22. Wang Xiaohong, Wang Yuelong, Shi Zhongzhi. “Scientific Discovery by Computer Simulation: Reviews on the Computer Simulation Program BACON”, Journal of Nature, 2003(5): 271-277.
23. Wang Xiaohong, Zhao Wenlong, Huo Youguang. “What is Needed for the Survival and Development of the Dialectics of Nature Course and its Thorough Adaptation”, Studies in Dialectics of Nature, 1999(9): 63-64.
24. Sheng Genyu, Wang Xiaohong. “On the Mode of Thinking and Researching on the Discovering of Molecule C60”, Science、Technology and Dialectics, 1994(6): 9-12.
25. Wang Xiaohong, tran. Peter K. Weber (1993) Save the Coral Reef, The Futurist, July-August. In World Science, 1994, No. 3.
26. Wang Xiaohong (in press), tran. Stanislao Cannizzaro (1858) Sketch of A Course of Chemical Philosophy, Alembic Club Reprints-No. 18. Edinburgh: Published by The Alembic Club, 1910. In A Guide to the Classical Works of Science, Edited by Ren Ding-Cheng.