梁睿,女,副教授,博士在读。现为中国音乐家协会奥尔夫专业委员会会员,西安少儿歌舞协会理事。国际注册奥尔夫指导教师,中国第一届奥尔夫教师资格证获得者,英皇考级(ABRSM) 钢琴专业指导教师,终南琴人。
Liang Rui, female, Associate Professor,Ph.D. student. A member of the Orff Professional Committee of the Chinese Musicians Association. Director of Xi'an Children's Song and Dance Association. Internationally registered Orff instructor, Winner of the first Orff Teacher Qualification Certificate in China, ABRSM Piano Professional Instructor.Piano professional instructor of The Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music. Inheritors of the ZhongNan Guqin .
Field of research:Teaching method research, piano performance and theoretical research, Guqin performance and theoretical research.
She studied piano since childhood and have participated in dozens of performances since she started working. Includes one piano concert and six concerts as accompaniment.
Hosted and participated in nearly 20 research projects, including 5 provincial projects, more than 10 municipal and school projects; published more than 10 papers; 2 A & HCI papers; and nearly 10 awards. Participated in the preparation of 5 text-book. She has undertaken teaching for more than 10 courses. Among them, "Musical Rhythm and Body Expression", with body percussion and rhythm as the core training, has received widespread attention and praise from students.From 2015 to 2018, she went to the Lincoln Confucius Institute at the University of Nebraska to teach and give lectures on Chinese music. Organize various music performances and exchanges. The Nebraska government awarded her an honorary citizenship certificate and a Distinguished Worker Certificate.
Email: chong.liang@xjtu.edu.cn