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1.译著,《道德机器:如何让机器人明辨是非》,Wendell Wallach、Colin Allen原著,北京大学出版社,2017。“十三五”国家重点图书出版规划。






1. 2018:人文知识发现的计算机实现——对“汉典古籍”主题建模的实证分析.王小红、Colin Allen、浦江淮、李颖娜。《自然辩证法通讯》,第40卷第4期(总第236期),2018(4):50-58.

2. 2018:“部分理解几何学”,科林Ÿ艾伦、王小红(通信作者)、孙文奇,《西安交通大学学报(社科版)》。2018年01月,第38卷第1期(总第147期): 82-91. DOI: 10. 15896/j. xjtuskxb. 201801009.

3. 2017: Colin Allen、王小红计算哲学研究组. Topic Modeling the Hàn diăn Ancient Classics (汉典古籍).Journal of Cultural Analytics.(peer-reviewed,北美艺术图书馆学会ARLIS/NA旗下刊物).doi:10.22148/16.016 doi: 10.22148/16.016;文章附录数据结果见doi:10.7910/DVN/3QXX29, Harvard Dataverse, V1.

4. 2016:王小红、浦江淮、王小亮、王健,“熵增或熵减:评析弗洛里迪建构的宏观信息伦理学”,《自然辩证法研究》32卷,2016年10月,104-109。

5. 2015:WANG Xiaohong, WANG Jian, ZHAO Kun & WANG Chaolin, “Increase or Decrease of Entropy: to Construct A More Universal Macroethics——A Discussion of Luciano Floridi’s The Ethics of Information”,美国哲学学会《哲学和计算机通讯》(APA Newsletter on Philosophy and Computers), 2015年春季刊,Volume 14,Number 2:pp. 32-36。

6. 2014:王小红、岳鹏飞、付敬辉,“HPS在美国的创立及其对科学发现方法论的贡献”,《自然辩证法研究》,2014年第3期,第30卷:17-22。

7. 2013:Xiaohong Wang, (abstract) “An Analysis of Semantic Information Based on Philosophical Study of Machine Discovery”,Abstract Volume of the 23rdWorld Congress of Philosophy, page 770, Athens 04-10, August 2013, University of Athens, School of Philosophy, University Campus- Zografos, Copyright 2013: Greek Philosophical Society & FISP.

8. 2013: Xiaohong Wang, Kun Zhao, Chaolin Wang & Anna, “Information-Theoretic Approach and Philosophical Debates on Machine Discovery”,The 1stInternational Conference on Philosophy of Information Proceedings, pp: 383-392, 2013年10月18-21日,中国,西安,XJTU-ICPI,International Society for information Science.

9. 2013:王小红、唐菏娟、岳鹏飞,“中国科研体制现状的科学社会学分析与对策”,《2013年中国社会管理发展报告》,科学出版社,2013年2月:118-128。

10. “人工智能機器發現系統是對強綱領的經驗拒斥嗎?”,收录于《科技與社會:社會建構論、科學社會學和知識社會學的視角》文集,pp.193-231(主编:黃之棟黃瑞祺李正風),台湾群學出版,2012/02/22。

11. “A Philosophical Exploration of the Cognitive Construction of Scientific Discovery”,Shushan Cai(et al.)(eds.)Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science:Proceeding of the thirteenth International Congress, London: King’s College Publications: 297-302. 2011.8.

12. “人工智能机器发现系统是对强纲领的经验拒斥吗?——评析围绕计算机模拟科学发现所引发的争论”,《哲学分析》2010(第4期),第1卷,pp.132-145(封面文章)。

13. “追忆美国第一个HPS系的创立”,《社会科学报》2010.9.9第8版。

14. 延安精神“实事求是”与自然辩证法的科学人文研究传统,中国自然辩证法研究会《工作通讯》,2011年第8期,总第108期:pp.21-22。

15. 翻译《计算与信息哲学导论》第26章“作为哲学方法论的计算建模”,pp.702-725,商务印书馆,2010年6月。【意】卢西亚诺·弗洛里迪主编,刘钢主译,刘健主审。

16. “公众视野中S&TS研究的转型范式——对比克的隐喻及研究案例的剖析”,《西安交通大学学报(社科版)》,pp.9-13,2010(第4期),第30卷(CSSCI)。

17. “科学的人性化和人性的理性化”,收录在《学而讲坛:百年名校文化雅集(第1辑)》,西安交通大学出版社,2009年10月,pp.169-191。

18. “西蒙的科学发现模拟工作是重新“发现”吗?”,《科学技术与辩证法》2008(1),28-33(CSSCI)。人大复印资料全文转载,见B2《科学技术哲学》2008年第4期,pp.49-54。

19. “研究科学发现的计算途径:对BACON程序的考察”,《自然辩证法通讯》2004(1),99-103转98,第26卷(CSSCI),北京大学哲学类权威期刊。人大复印资料全文转载,见B2《科学技术哲学》2004年第3期。

20. “BACON系统引发的科学方法论问题研究”,北京大学博士论文,2004。

21. 翻译,待出版,康尼查罗《化学哲学教程提要》(1858),爱丁堡:蒸馏器俱乐部出版,1910年。

22. 王小红、王月龙、史忠植,“科学发现的计算机模拟——BACON发现程序概述”,《自然杂志》2003(5),271-277,自然科学类中文核心期刊。

23. 王小红、赵文龙、霍有光,“自然辩证法课程教学体系需要全面更新”,第一作者(共三位),《自然辩证法研究》1999(9),(CSSCI)。被收入《研究生教育研究》第三卷,西安交通大学出版社2001年1月出版。

24. 盛根玉、王小红,“试论C60分子发现的思维方式和研究方法”,《科学技术与辩证法》94(6),pp.9-12,(CSSCI)。人大复印资料全文转载,见B2《自然辩证法》,1995第1期。

25. 译文“救救珊瑚礁”,《世界科学》1994(3)。


(1)中方合作主持人,2015.6.1-2018.5.31,“哲学学科Colin Allen特聘教授配套项目”(合同上原来名称是“Colin Allen 哲学讲座教授项目”),25万。

(2)中方合作主持人,2015.1-2017.1,信息伦理学前沿问题研究,外方合作主持人:Luciano Floridi,“中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助”(项目编号: sk2015010),3万。






(7)主持人,2016.1—2017.11.30,“自然辩证法概论”慕课课程教学设计与教学组织管理研究,2016年度教育部在线教育研究中心在线教育研究基金(全通教育)一般项目(项目批准号: 2016YB167),2万。


(9)主持人,2014.6-2016.6,西方哲学系列课程双语教学的实践研究, 2014年西安交通大学本科教学改革研究项目(项目编号:1401Y-19),1万。












1. “学而”讲坛——教授系列讲座第三十讲,“科学的人性化和人性的理性化——我眼中的美国•科学•文化”, 2008年6月18日,西安交通大学。

2. “事实都去哪儿了?——当代科学方法论的解构和建构”,2014年4月23日,MBA中心特邀讲座,西安交通大学管理学院。


中美富布赖特研究学者奖金获得者(Grant Number:68430036),2006年9月-2007年8月,美国印第安纳大学科学史和科学哲学系研究“A Study of the Cognitive Construction of Scientific Discovery”,奖金2.975万美元。





Name:Xiaohong Wang

Contact Information:136-7910-5619



Personal:Female. I was born in Henan Province. PhD. Associate Professor

Research Interests:

1. Philosophical Investigation of Cognitive Science (mainly on AI)

2. Topic Modeling of Chinese Philosophy Text


2001-2004 Peking University, PhD (Philosophy).

1992-1995 East China Normal University, Master Degree (Philosophy).

1986-1990 Shaanxi Normal University, Bachelor Degree (Chemistry).

Doctorial Dissertation:A Study of the Problems in Scientific Methodology

Arising out of the BACON System.Advisor: Prof./Dr. Ren Ding-Cheng, Center

for Social Studies of Science, Peking University.Committee: Prof. Zhang

Jia-Long (Chinese Academy of Social Science, Logic), Prof./Dr. Ma Shao-Ping

(Tsinghua University, Artificial Intelligence), Prof. /Dr. Liu Xiao-Li (Beijing

Normal University, Philosophy of Science), Prof. Fu Shi-Xia (Peking

University, Cognitive Psychology), Prof. Sun Xiao-Li (Peking University,

Dialectics of Nature).


1. Philosophy of Science. Undergraduate Students Majoring Philosophy.

2. History of Science. Undergraduate Students Majoring Philosophy.

3. Sociology of Science. Undergraduate Students Majoring Sociology.

4. Introduction of Dialectics of Nature. Graduate Students Majoring Sciences/Engineering.



Wang Xiaohong, Chinese translator,Moral Machine: Teaching Robots Right from Wrong, Wendell Wallach & Colin Allen (2009 by Oxford University Press), Simplified Chinese Edition 2017 by Peking University Press.

Wang Xiaohong, 2010,A Philosophical Study of the Cognitive Structure of Scientific Discovery,funded by Xi’an Jiaotong University Foundation for Excellent Academic Publication, Xi’an: Xi’an Jiaotong University Press.

Wu Kun, Wang Xiaohong & Chen Jiulong, (ed.), 2009,A New Textbook for Dialectics of Nature,Xi’an: Xi’an Jiaotong University Press.


Huang Linchu, Wang Xiaohong, (ed.), 1997,Questions and Answers About the Fundamentals of Contemporary Science & Technology, Xi’an: Shaanxi People’s Education Press.

Academic Papers (selected):

1. Wang Xiaohong, Colin Allen et al. (2018) To Discover Humanities Knowledge by Computer: An Empirical Analysis of Topic Modeling the 'Handian' Ancient Chinese Classics,Journal of Dialectics of Nature, 2018(4), vol.40, 50-58.

2. Wang Xiaohong, (2018) the first translator of the paper “The Geometry of Partial Understanding” by Colin Allen in Chinese edition,Journal of Xi’an Jiaotong University (Social Sciences), Vol. 38, No. 1, pp.: 82-91. DOI: 10. 15896/j. xjtuskxb. 201801009.

3. Colin Allen & Xiaohong Wang’s computational philosophy team. (2017) Topic Modeling the Hàn diăn Ancient Classics (汉典古籍).Journal of Cultural Analytics. doi:10.22148/16.016 doi: 10.22148/16.016; Supplemental Materials, doi:10.7910/DVN/3QXX29, Harvard Dataverse, V1. (in English)

4. Wang Xiaohong et al. (2016) Increase or Decrease of Entropy: A Discussion of Floridi’s Macro Information Ethics,Studies in Dialectics of Nature, No. 10, Vol. 32: 104-109.

5. Wang Xiaohong et al. (2015) Increase or Decrease of Entropy: to Construct A More Universal Macroethics——A Discussion of Luciano Floridi’s The Ethics of Information,APA Newsletter on Philosophy and Computers, Sping, Volume 14, Number 2: 32-36.http://c.ymcdn.com/sites/www.apaonline.org/resource/collection/EADE8D52-8D02-4136-9A2A-729368501E43/ComputersV14n2.pdf(in English)

6. Wang Xiaohong et al. (2014) The Origination of HPS in US and It’s Contributions to Methodology of Scientific Discovery,Studies in Dialectics of Nature, No. 3, Vol. 30: 17-22.

7. Wang Xiaohong et al. (2013) An Analysis from Sociology of Science on the Systems of Scientific Research in China,2013 Report for the Social Management and Development in China, pp.: 118-128, Beijing: Science Press.

8. Wang Xiaohong (2012) Do the Computational Discovery Systems Demonstrate an Empirical Refutation of the Strong Programme ?, Zhidong Huang(et al.)(eds.)Science, Technology & Society: a perspective of social constructivism, sociology of science and sociology of knowledge, chap. 7: 193-231, Taiwan: Socio Publishing Co. Ltd.

9. Wang Xiaohong (2011) A Philosophical Exploration of the Cognitive Construction of Scientific Discovery,Shushan Cai (et al.)(eds.)Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science: Proceeding of the thirteenth International Congress,pp.: 297-302,London:King’s College Publications. (in English)

10. Wang Xiaohong (2010) The Transforming Paradigm of S&TS in Public Sight: An Analysis of Bijker’s Metaphor and His Research Cases,Journal of Xi’an Jiaotong University (Social Sciences), Vol. 30, No. 4, pp.: 9-13.

11. Wang Xiaohong (2010) tran. Luciano Floridi (2003)Blackwell Guide to the Philosophy of Computing and Information, Blackwell Publishing. Chap. 26: 702-725, Chief Translator: Liu Gang. Beijing: The Commercial Press of China.

12. Wang Xiaohong (2009) Humanization of Science and Rationalization of Human, Qiu Jin(et al.)(eds.),Xu’er Forum Series (1), pp.: 169-191, Xi’an: Xi’an Jiaotong University Press.

13. Wang Xiaohong (2008) Are Simon’s Scientific Discovery Simulations “Rediscovery”?,Science、Technology and Dialectics, Vol. 25, No.1, pp.: 28-33.

14. Wang Xiaohong (2004) A New Approach to Study Scientific Discovery: Comments on BACON,Journal of Dialectics of Nature,Vol.26, No. 1, pp.: 99-103 and 98.

15. Wang Xiaohong et al. (2003) Scientific Discovery by Computer Simulation: Reviews on the Computer Simulation Program BACON,Journal of Nature, Vol.25, No. 5, pp.: 271-277.

16. Wang Xiaohong et al. (1999) What is Needed for the Survival and Development of the Dialectics of Nature Course and its Thorough Adaptation,Studies in Dialectics of Nature, Vol. 15, No. 9: 63-64.

17. Sheng Genyu, Wang Xiaohong (1994) On the Mode of Thinking and Researching on the Discovering of Molecule C60,Science、Technology and Dialectics, Vol.11 No.6: 9-12.

18. Wang Xiaohong (1994), tran. Peter K. Weber (1993) Save the Coral Reef,The Futurist, July-August. InWorld Science, No. 3.

19. Wang Xiaohong (in press), tran. Stanislao Cannizzaro (1858)Sketch of A Course of Chemical Philosophy, Alembic Club Reprints-No. 18. Edinburgh: Published by The Alembic Club, 1910. InA Guide to the Classical Works of Science, Edited by Ren Ding-Cheng.


(1) Jan/2016-Nov/2017, PI, “MOOC Construction of Dialectics of Nature”, MOE Center for Online Education Funds. (2016YB167)

(2) May/2015-May/2017, PI, “MOOC Construction of Dialectics of Nature”, Teaching Research Funds, Xi’an Jiaotong University.

(3) Jun./2015-May/2018, Co-PI, “A Project on Colin Allen as a Chair Professor of Philosophy at XJTU”, 985 Fund, XJTU.

(4) Jan./2015-Jan./2017, Co-PI, “Investigation of Problems in Information Ethics”, the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, XJTU. (sk2015010)

(5) Jun/2014-Jun/2016, PI, “A Bilingual Study on Series of Western Philosophy Courses”, Teaching Research Funds, Xi’an Jiaotong University.

(6) May/2013-Nov/2014, PI, “A Textbook for the New Course of Dialectics of Nature”, Teaching Research Funds, Xi’an Jiaotong University.

(7) Jul/2012-Jun/2013, Co-PI, “Investigation of Problems in Information Ethics”, Undergraduate Innovation Fund, XJTU. (22012143)

(8) Sept/2012-Sept/2015, PI, “The Research Approach of Contemporary Western Philosophy of Information”, the Foundation of Shaanxi Social Sciences. (12C021)

(9) Dec/2012-Feb/2014, PI, “The Research Approach of Contemporary Western Philosophy of Information”, the Fundamental Scientific Research Fund of Central Universities. (SK2012039)

(10) May/2011-Nov/2012, co-PI, “New Course Construction for Dialectics of Nature”, Teaching Research Funds, Xi’an Jiaotong University.(2011YJJG15)Evaluation: Excellent.

(11) Sept/2009-Sept/2010, PI, “Cognitive Philosophy and the Study of Scientific Innovative Methodology”, Shaanxi Social Sciences Foundation. (09C004)

(12) Sept/2009-Sept/2010, PI, “Cognitive Philosophy of Science and the Study of Scientific Innovative Methodology”, the Fundamental Scientific Research Fund of Central Universities. (SK2009039)

(13) Jan/2009-Sept/2010, PI, “A Study of Cognitive Construction of Scientific Discovery”, the Scientific Research Initiative Foundation for Returning People Study Abroad, Ministry of Education of the P. R. China.

(14) Oct/2004-Oct/2006, PI, “A Study of Scientific Methodology of Artificial Intelligence Machine Discovery”, the Doctoral Foundation of XJTU.

(15) Jun/2002-Jun/2004, Second Participant, “The Philosophic Research on the Hotspots of Artificial Intelligence”, the National Social Science Foundation (02BZX025). Evaluation: good.


Public Lectures:

1. 2014, Apr. 23, “The Deconstruction and Construction of Contemporary Scientific Methodology”, invited lecture, MBA Center, XJTU.

2. 2008, June, “Humanization of Science and Rationalization of Human”, No.30 of the series of “Xue’Er Forum”, Xi’an Jiaotong University.


(1) 2006.8-2007.8, Fulbright Program for Visiting Research Scholar (Grant Number:68430036), $ 2.975. HPS department, Indiana University, USA.

(2) 2015, The First Prize of Papers, Shaanxi Society of Philosophy, “The Origination of HPS in US and It’s Contributions to Methodology of Scientific Discovery”.

(3) 2011, The First Prize of Papers, Shaanxi Society of Philosophy, “Do the Computational Discovery Systems Demonstrate an Empirical Refutation of the Strong Programme ?”.

(4) 2011, The Second Prize of Academic Publications, Education Department of Shaanxi Provincial Government,A Philosophical Study of the Cognitive Structure of Scientific Discovery. (book)

(5) 2010, The First Prize of Papers, Shaanxi Society of Philosophy, “Are Simon’s Scientific Discovery Simulations “Rediscovery?”.

(6) 2008, The Excellent Individual Prize in the Under Teaching Evaluation of XJTU.

(7) 2000, The First Prize of China Graduate Education Papers, the paper title “What is Needed for the Survival and Development of the Dialectics of Nature Course and its Thorough Adaptation”.

(8) 1999, The Excellent Teachers Prize of Graduate Teaching of XJTU.


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